The club wishes to announce that Director and former Chairman Nick Symmons is retiring from the club’s Board of Directors.
Nick originally joined the Board in 1997 and was Football Chairman between 2000 and 2002 and Club Chairman from 2002 to 2007. After taking a well-earned break from official duties Nick returned to provide support to the Board in 2013 and then re-joined the Board in 2017. Nick has been a continuous presence and servant of the club for many, many years devoting a huge amount of time, expertise and money to help the club grow to where we are today.
Nick was instrumental in forming and developing our community programme, setting up previous academy arrangements and more recently leading the site works to achieve a Category A ground grading.
Whilst our club benefits from so many people helping in so many different ways, there are a very small number of people who have contributed to the level Nick has over the years.
Hopefully the club will reward Nick with a National League season to remember now he can finally watch games without the stress of managing match days and carrying out his Director duties.
Nick is a big loss to the board for his friendship and humour as much as all the sterling work he’s done and retires with our heartfelt thanks and best wishes.
Nick will remain around the club and continue to help out on various projects and we're sure everyone connected with the club wishes Nick well and thanks him for the incredible amount he’s done for the club.