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  • Writer's pictureChris Woods

Supporters' Club donate £10,000

Wealdstone Executive Director Nick Symmons collected a £10,000 cheque presented by the Wealdstone FC Supporters Club at half time during our game against AFC Fylde on Saturday.

The Supporters Club matched the donation made last season back in February as a result of the Supporters Club's fundraising activities, bringing a total of £20,000 donated this year alone, which is a fantastic achievement and gesture.

On behalf of the club, Stones Director Nick Symmons said: "We cannot thank the Supporters Club enough for another generous donation this year.

"Witnessing first hand the success stories in their fundraising initiatives such as the Wembley fan zones, 50/50 tickets, music nights and many more, shows the club are incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated and innovative Supporters Club."

And Mark Randall of the Supporters Club addded, "It is wonderful we can make this donation so soon after our last one. The effort from all our committee members and volunteers has been fantastic.

"To host three Wembley-bound teams in three days over the late May Bank Holiday was truly an herculean effort! Proof that individuals can really make a difference at this level."

We thank the Supporters Club not only for their donation but their tireless volunteer efforts over the summer in maintaining our Grosvenor Vale stadium for the brand new season.


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