The weekly round-up of news….
National League South 2108/19 Fixtures Will be released at 09:00 this Wednesday, 4th July. The website will carry full details of all the League games along with FA Cup and FA Trophy dates later that day.
Season Ticket Update Are still on sale at Adult £150, Concession/Pro Club £125 and Under 18 £30. More info and how to order can be found HERE
If you have already purchased a ST it can be collected from the RSC ( Wed 12.00 -16.30, Thu 16.30 – 23.00, Fri 12.00 – 24.00, Sat 12.00 – 18.00, & Sun 12.00 -18.00) as well as at our pre-season games versus Aldershot Town on Sat 21 July and Bromley on Sat 28 July.
Stand Up For Wealdstone The SUFW fundraising scheme has now reached its planned end date and we are most grateful to all our contributors, a new fundraising scheme for 2018/19 is under development and an announcement will be made in due course.
As part of the lasting legacy from this fundraiser the SUFW website page has been refreshed to include a short narrative piece about each individual. The club will also be erecting a banner or two along the goal line fence facing the stand to recognise those honoured and those who contributed to this initiative.
Newsletter Don’t forget to register to receive our monthly Newsletter aimed at keeping the fan base up-to-date with news, events & special promotions the club will be running throughout the season. Register on the News page.
Ruislip Social Club
The Colombia v England World Cup game will be shown on all screens on Tuesday evening…….
Live Music This Friday (6 Jul) Creedence Clearwater Review are performing in the main hall.
More info and ticket details from Tropic@Ruislip .