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Become a Shareholder in Wealdstone Football Club!

Interested in becoming a shareholder in Wealdstone FC or giving Wealdstone FC shares as the perfect present then StoneShare is the way to do it.

Every season, Wealdstone FC Limited release additional shares which are available to be purchased by supporters with all income raised going directly into the playing budget.

Each share issued is worth £5 with 5 shares (worth £25) the minimum number of shares that can be purchased by an individual. 

Shares can be purchased outright at any point in the year with a number of payment methods available:

Bank Transfer or BACS payments: by making payment into the following bank account, Wealdstone Football Club (2000) Limited, sort code 09-06-66, account number 43154786 reference STONESHARE.

Cheques should be made out to Wealdstone Football Club (2000) Limited and sent to The General Manager, Wealdstone FC, Grosvenor Vale, Ruislip, HA4 6JQ. 

If Cash or Credit Card is your preferred method of payment then please write to for more details.

Alternatively weekly and monthly contributions are available for the season (40 weekly payments or 10 monthly payments) 

As an example one share purchased every week would equal 40 payments * £5 = £200 or;

Five monthly shares would equal 10 monthly payments * £25 = £250.

The amount, in multiples of £5, is up to you.

At the end of the season, you will receive a share certificate for your shares in the club.

To take advantage of the weekly and monthly options then you will need to set up a standing order for either 40 weeks or 10 monthly payments payable to Wealdstone Football Club (2000) Limited, sort code 09-06-66, account number 43154786 reference STONESHARE. These details can also be used for lump sum BACS payments if you wish.

Following payment please provide the following details to the club so we can register your shares 

Name.                              Address.

Phone no.                     Email.

Payment type: Weekly or monthly or lump sum

1st payment date.         Payment amount.

Date.                             Signature.

Return the above information to or contact the clubs General Manager Richard Hopwood

07799077816 |


Frequently Asked Questions

Am I really buying shares in Wealdstone FC?

Yes, you will be purchasing shares and therefore becoming a part owner of Wealdstone FC (2000) Limited the holding company of Wealdstone FC, You will be joining over 800 supporters and investors who own shares in the club.

Why does the club issue shares for sale?

Wealdstone FC is a true fan owned club and as such its important that all fans have the opportunity to become shareholders. Raising money through the sale of new shares is also an important source of income for the club which then goes towards funding the playing budget.

When will I receive my certificate?

To keep administration costs to a minimum share certificates are normally issued just once a year in May/June however in exceptional circumstances shares can be issued at other times of the year.

How do I pay for the shares?

Bank transfers, cash, cheques and credit card payments are all accepted and regular payments can also be made by standing order.

My bank is not recognising the company name as i try and make the bank transfer?

Banking systems can have problems recognising the company name due to the brackets, if this issue occurs then type the name without the brackets: Wealdstone Football Club 2000 Limited.

Does the money from my share purchase really go directly to the playing budget?

Yes, the sale of new shares is a really important source of income that goes directly into Stuart Maynard's playing budget. As a part time club playing in a professional league every £ makes a big difference.

As a shareholder do i become responsible for any debts the club may have?

Because of limited liability, a company is classed as its own legal entity, so ultimately is responsible for any debts accrued. As a shareholder you are not liable for any debts.

Who do i contact to find out more information?

Email: or contact the clubs General Manager Richard Hopwood 07799077816 |


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